Manage Calendar Tasks

Tasks can help to keep course events distinct from your personal tasks.  Use Tasks to break up a big assignment into sub-tasks to stay on top of all your due dates. Tasks is located on the right side of your D2L course or home page in the Calendar area.

Create Tasks

  1. On the D2L homepage or the start page of your course, find Tasks on the right side of the page below the Calendar. Click once on [Add a task] and type in a short task name. When you press enter or click the mouse outside the Tasks box the task is saved automatically and displays with a checkbox and drop-down arrow.

    Identifies Tasks on D2L page.

  2. Click the checkbox to mark the task as completed or use the arrow to add notes, a due date or delete the task.

    Identifies the Task Complete checkbox and Identifies the Edit arrow.

  3. Use the [View Completed Tasks] link to review or delete tasks that have been completed.

    Shows completed task

Adding Task Details

  1. Click the task name to show task details.

  2. If your task does not have a due date, click directly on the [Due date] field to bring up a date selector, then select a due date, and click the [Save due date] icon.

  3. Click on the [Add a note...] field to add explanatory notes to your task. Click outside the text field to save your note.

    Shows the Notes Detail screen.

Mark a Task Complete

  • Select the check box beside the task name in the task pane. The task disappears from view, but remains in your searchable task archive.

    Identifies the Task Complete checkbox and Identifies the Edit arrow.

Marking All Tasks Complete

  • Select [Set all Completed] from the Tasks context menu.

    Identifies the Tasks context menu.

NOTE: Tasks will only disappear when you mark them completed if you select [Hide Completed Tasks] in the drop-down list under Completed Tasks in Settings.

Identifies the Settings link in the Calendar navbar..

Identifies the Calendar Task Options.