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Access Third Party Publisher Content
A D2L course may have content that links to third-party content. If you are missing or unable to access publisher content mentioned in the course syllabus, try the following: Email your instructor. Read the Getting Started information in your cl...
Download Content
Downloading Documents in Chrome Click on the link to the document on Content. Click the Download button above or below the open document. The Chrome browser will open a download bar across the bottom of the screen with the incoming file na...
Find Content
Access Content Click on the [Content] link in the  [Navbar] . Browse Content Click on [Table of Contents] to see all content items. Click on a [module] to see the content items within the module. View Files When viewing files...
Manage Calendar Tasks
Tasks can help to keep course events distinct from your personal tasks.  Use Tasks to break up a big assignment into sub-tasks to stay on top of all your due dates. Tasks is located on the right side of your D2L course or home page in the Calendar...
Unable To View Content
You cannot access the content in your course If you can access your course, but you can not view or access any content, you should take both of the following steps: Contact the Instructor Email the instructor within the course Using Classlist...
Use a Checklist
Your instructor may have placed a Checklist in a module to help students manage time effectively. The checklist should break down the activities into steps or a list, allowing you to view your progress toward completion. The checklist will visible ...
Use Pulse
Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app for students that can help you stay connected and on track with your Brightspace courses. It gives you one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, activity feed, and news. The ...
Export your D2L Calendar to another Calendar Application
You can export your D2L  Calendar to another application, such as Google Calendar  or  Microsoft Outlook . To do this, copy a link from your  Calendar that you can add to your calendar application. This can be useful for viewing your calendar o...
D2L Course Calendar Basics
Accessing the D2L Calendar Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of Calendar . Click [Go to Calendar] from the Calendar widget drop-down menu. Changing Calendar Color Click the drop-down arrow next to [All Calendars] and click...