Study Tips

1. Create a Study Schedule

  • Tip: Break down assignments and schedule study sessions. Prioritize based on deadlines and difficulty.
  • Tool: Use Outlook Calendar (available via Microsoft 365) to set reminders for assignments, exams, and study sessions.

2. Leverage LSC’s Online Library Resources

  • Tip: Start research early using Lone Star College’s online library for credible sources.
  • Tool: Access LSC Library Research Databases for free access to scholarly articles, journals, and e-books.

3. Use Brainfuse for Online Tutoring

  • Tip: Get free tutoring help for challenging subjects.
  • Tool: LSC offers Brainfuse for free 24/7 online tutoring, writing labs, and study resources. Set up a tutoring appointment through Tutor Match.

4. Join Study Groups

  • Tip: Collaborate with peers in person or online for a better understanding of complex topics.
  • Tool: Use the D2L Classlist  for discussion boards and class collaborations with classmates.

5. Make Flashcards for Memorization

  • Tip: Flashcards are great for subjects requiring heavy memorization (e.g., biology, languages).
  • Tool: Quizlet offers free flashcard creation and study modes, ideal for reviewing key concepts.

6. Use the Writing Center for Paper Reviews

  • Tip: Get feedback on essays and research papers before submission.
  • Tool: Access Turnitin and IntelliWriter (via D2L) to check for plagiarism and improve writing quality.

7. Practice the Pomodoro Technique

  • Tip: Study in 25-minute intervals followed by 5-minute breaks to maintain focus.
  • Tool: Use TomatoTimer (web-based) for free Pomodoro sessions to manage study time effectively.

8. Stay Organized with Digital Note-Taking

  • Tip: Take detailed class notes and review them daily for better retention.
  • Tool: Using OneNote (part of Microsoft 365) helps keep notes organized and accessible across devices.

9. Ask Questions

  • Tip: Don’t hesitate to ask questions during lectures or office hours to clarify doubts early.
  • Tool: Communicate via your LSC Student Email through Outlook to follow up with professors on difficult topics.

10. Review Past Exams and Quizzes

  • Tip: Practice with previous exams to understand question formats and common topics.
  • Tool: Review practice quizzes and exam materials uploaded by professors on your D2L Course page.

11. Create Mind Maps for Complex Subjects

  • Tip: For subjects with many interrelated concepts (e.g., psychology, history), use mind maps to visualize connections.
  • Tool: MindMup lets you easily create and save mind maps for class subjects.

12. Break Down Large Tasks into Manageable Steps

  • Tip: When overwhelmed by big assignments, break them into smaller, manageable steps. This will make studying or completing projects feel less daunting.
  • Tool: Use to break down tasks in a way that feels "very demure, very mindful." This tool simplifies tasks without overwhelming you, helping you stay calm and focused while working.

13. Watch Supplementary Educational Videos

  • Tip: If a concept is unclear, watch videos for different explanations.
  • Tool: Khan Academy and CrashCourse (via YouTube) offer free, high-quality educational videos on a wide range of subjects.

14. Use LSC Library's Quiet Study Spaces

  • Tip: Use quiet environments such as Lone Star College libraries to minimize distractions and boost focus.
  • Tool: LSC Libraries offer free quiet study rooms and spaces on campus for student use.

15. Set Specific Study Goals

  • Tip: Define clear goals for each study session (e.g., finish two chapters, solve 10 problems).
  • Tool: Use Microsoft To Do to organize and track tasks for study goals.

16. Make Use of Office Hours

  • Tip: Take advantage of office hours for one-on-one help with course material.
  • Tool: Use Outlook to schedule and track meetings with professors and advisors.

17. Record Lectures for Review

  • Tip: With the instructor's permission, record lectures to revisit important points later.
  • Tool: Use the built-in Voice Recorder on your phone or Microsoft OneNote to record and sync audio with class notes.

18. Stay Physically Active

  • Tip: Incorporate regular exercise into your schedule to maintain focus and energy during study sessions.
  • Tool: Track your steps and activity for free with built-in apps such as Google Fit or Apple Health.

19. Manage Stress and Mental Health

  • Tip: Practice mindfulness and take breaks to manage stress during busy academic periods.
  • Tool: Apps such as Smiling Mind offers guided sessions to help reduce stress and increase focus.

20. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

  • Tip: Stay hydrated and eat healthy snacks to maintain energy during long study periods!
  • Tool: Use the free Water Drink Reminder app to track your water intake throughout the day.

All tools mentioned are either free or available through LSC’s Microsoft 365 subscription.