Manual Upload or Download from YuJa

Upload Video to YuJa

  1. From your D2L Course, click [Course Activities] -> [YuJa Video Platform].

  2. Click on Manage Media.

    Indicates the Manage Media option. 

  3. Click Upload in the menu.

    Identifies the Upload option.

  4. In the Add Media window. Drag and drop your file into the dashed box, or click on [Browse] and manually navigate to your video's location for upload.

    Identifies the Drag and Drop and Browse options.

  5. A progress bar will appear in the lower-right corner of the page.

    Shows the upload progress bar.

  6. Your video is now ready.

    Identifies the newly uploaded video at the top-left of the list of videos.

Download Video from YuJa

  1. Mouse over your video, then click on More.
    Indicates the More option at the bottom of the list.

  2. Click on Downloads on the left, then click on [Download Media].Identifies the Download Media button in the Downloads section.

  3. Choose Save File, then click on [OK] to complete the download process.

    Identifies the Save File and OK options.

Additional Resources:
Record With YuJa Software Capture [Desktop]
Record with YuJa Browser Capture
Manage Your YuJa Videos