My Courses Widget

My Courses Widget Overview

The My Courses widget displays courses as a grid of tiles at the top of your homepage in D2L.

Shows the My Courses widget.

Pinning Courses

  1. To pin a course, hover over the course image until you see the Options menu, indicated by three dots. Choose [Pin] to add the course to your Pinned courses. We recommend you pin all your frequently accessed courses.

    Indicates the options icon when mousing over a course tile on the My Courses widget and identifies the
  2. Courses may also be pinned by using the [Select a Course] grid at the top of the page and clicking the pin icon to right of the course name.

    Identifies Pinned courses in Course Selector
  3. Your courses now display under the Pinned heading on the All Courses page and display first in the My Courses widget on the home page.

Unpinning Courses

  1. To unpin a course, use the same [Options] menu on the course and click Unpin, or click the pin icon on the course image.

    Identifies Unpin option in Course Selector
  2. You can also use the [Select a Course] grid at the top of the All Courses page and click the shaded pin next to the course name.

Indicates the Course Selector Grid icon and identifies the Unpin Course Selector

Course Access Indication

  • Courses that are not yet open but have been activated will show in your My Courses widget grayed out. Courses that have closed will show up grayed out and with a Closed tag.

Shows grayed out icon and identifies Closed badge.

  • Course Notification Icons will appear at the bottom of a course tile. Click on the notification icons to access the associated course activities. Course notification icons appear in the following order, from left to right: Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes.

    Indicates course notification icons.

Viewing Courses

  • To view only pinned courses, click the [Pinned] tab at the top of the widget.

    Indicates the pinned course tab in My Courses.
  • To view all of your courses, click the [View All Courses] link in the widget.

    Identifies View All Courses link in the My Courses widget.

Sorting and Filtering

  • On the All Courses page, you will be able to see all of your courses. You can change the order of your courses by using the [Sort] option in the top right, and choosing the desired sorting option.

    Indicates the My Courses page Sort selector and identifies Sort by Last Accessed.
  • To find current courses, use the [Filter] option at the top, and select the [current semester].

    Indicates Filter by Semester selector and identifies a selected check box.
  • Additionally, you can use the search bar to quickly find the desired semester.

Identifies Search field in the Filter Screen.

NOTE: Your [Sort] and [Filter] selections will reset when you leave the All Courses screen.