Access Your Online Courses
There are different methods for accessing your online courses. Show Video Walkthrough From the Lone Star College Homepage Visit the Lone Star College Homepage . Click the [Class Login] link in the menu at the top of the page....
Contact Your Instructor
You have two choices for contacting your instructor - in D2L or through the Lone Star College email system . You can try using one or both; once courses have started, your professors will generally tell you how they prefer to be contacted. ...
Distinguishing Between D2L Email and myLoneStar Email
NOTE : D2L email will be retired at the end of the Fall 2024 semester . After that, your myLonestar email will serve as your primary email inbox under LSC. As a Lone Star College Student, you have two Lone Star College email accounts: D...
Find the Syllabus for Your Course
Look in the D2L Course Look for a module in Content labeled [Getting Started] or Syllabus or something similar. Look in myLoneStar Find the [Links] icon in the left-hand column. Scroll down in the Quicklinks window that opens...
Increase Readability Using Your Account Settings
You can increase the readability of D2L pages and tools by modifying your Account Settings . Changing your account settings allows you to customize many of your viewing options within D2L . Click on [Your name] in the Minibar . Choo...
My Courses Widget
My Courses Widget Overview The My Courses widget displays courses as a grid of tiles at the top of your homepage in D2L. Pinning Courses To pin a course, hover over the course image until you see the Options menu, indicated by thr...
Navigate D2L
Pages in D2L have been designed so that the layout is similar across all courses. The Minibar The Minibar shows from left to right: The [Lone Star College logo] links to My Home. Click on it to see your course list. [Select a Course...
Purchase Your Textbook through the LSC Virtual Bookstore
When you purchase textbook access from a third party such as McGraw Hill Connect or SIMnet, you will receive an email with a 20-digit code .
This initial code is from the Virtual Bookstore (Akademos) and needs to be entered into your Bo...
Unable to See Any Content, Assignments, or Assessments
If you are unable to see any content, assignments, or assessments (Quizzes or Exams), try the following: To find a reading assignment or instructions, go to [Content] in the Navbar . Click on [Search Topics] and insert a word from t...
Use Pulse
Brightspace Pulse is a mobile app for students that can help you stay connected and on track with your Brightspace courses. It gives you one easy view of course calendars, readings, assignments, evaluations, grades, activity feed, and news. The ...
Work To Do Widget
Work To Do Widget The Work To Do widget provides students a summary of assigned learning activities from all their courses that are overdue or have an upcoming due date. The Work To Do widget displays the following learning activities: ...
Wrong Class is Listed in My Courses Widget
You may see a course in your D2L My Courses widget that is similar to the one you signed up for but has a different section number. Instructors may merge similar classes together. Also, due to enrollment, sections may at times be combined by ...