Start of Semester


Account Restrictions or Holds
There may be holds on your account preventing you from registering for a class. Click on [ details]  for instructions. Below is a list of possible holds you may see: Business Office Hold A business office hold has to do with funds. You will nee...
Are Online Courses Self-Paced?
An online class is one where students do all their work online. While convenient for those who work or travel, an online class is not self-paced. Students must adhere to deadlines.  Check the Course Syllabus Search for the course syllabus within...
Browsers Supported by D2L
Please use a browser that is identified as supported   below. Desktop Support D2L is supported on the following desktop platforms with the latest browser versions: Platform Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox...
Contact the IT Service Desk
You may encounter technical issues that require a quick response, such as not being able to access your online courses. The IT Service Desk is available all 7 days of the week, from 6:00 AM - Midnight . Troubleshooting Try the following trouble...
Good Start Checklist
Use this checklist to prepare for your online courses for the semester. Before classes begin: Locate your official college email You will have a student email account while at Lone Star College. All official co...
Helpful Software
Get Started Browsers Supported by D2L Perform a System Check Perform a speed test - Make sure your internet service is adequate for test taking. Measurement Lab Resources Offered by IT The IT Service Desk offers a ...
I Cannot Access My Online Classes
If you are unable to access your online courses, try these troubleshooting steps to correct the problem. Troubleshooting Try the following: Verify your PC or device has Internet access by loading other websites (e.g. YouTube , MSN ). Verify...
Important Dates
Important Dates Current Academic Calendar How Can I drop an Online Class? (Before and After it starts) See also Refunds ...
Locate Your Textbook/Materials
NOTE:  Students are not required to purchase textbooks and course materials from Lone Star College. We are thrilled to introduce the new Lone Star College Virtual Bookstore , your one-stop shop for all your course materials. Visit the Lone S...
 New to Online Learning
Being Successful in Online Courses It is very common for students to think that an online class is easier than a face-to-face one. However, many find the opposite is true.  To be successful in an online course, you should: Have a worki...
Online Readiness Tool: Smarter Measure
The SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator  helps you identify your level of readiness for studying in an online course environment. Use the tool to measure your technical skills and get feedback on your learning style. Use the login inf...
Study Tips
1. Create a Study Schedule Tip : Break down assignments and schedule study sessions. Prioritize based on deadlines and difficulty. Tool : Use Outlook Calendar (available via Microsoft 365 ) to set reminders for assignments, exams, and ...
 Taking the Student Success Course (EDUC-1300)
The student success course is the 1st Year Experience EDUC-1300 course. It is designed to help promote a successful college experience. Every first year college student will have a hold on his/her account that will be removed upon enrollment i...
Use Discover Tool
Discover is a tool which allows users to self-enroll in Community Groups in D2L. Students can freely enroll or unenroll themselves from most Community Groups in the Discover tool without needing to be added or approved by the Group Manager of ...