Last Day to Get a Refund

The refund date is calculated from the session "Begin Date" listed on the class schedule and includes Saturday and Sunday. A Tuesday/Thursday class within a 16-week session would start counting on the session "Begin Date" (normally a Monday) to determine the refund date. Lone Star College System offers over 40 different sessions within any long semester (Fall & Spring) so Admissions & Records cannot provide or guarantee a generic date or number of days for refund dates or last day to drop dates. Refund dates for mini-mesters, summer, and fast tracks have a very short window due to the length of the session.

Use the sample chart below to determine your refund date:

  1. Go to your Student Center in myLonestar and click on your Class Schedule.
  2. Click on the hyperlinked blue section number to display the course details.
    Identifies the section number.
  3. Take note of the "Session name" and "Start date". Use this information to calculate your refund date.
    Shows chart of drop and withdrawal calculation data.

  • Session Name - This is the length of the session in weeks.
  • Last day for 70% refund - This is the day number starting on the first day of the session not the first meeting day of the class.
  • Last day for 25% refund - Same as above.
NOTE:  For a refund of tuition and fees count the first day of the session (this may not be the first class day) and every day after, including Saturday and Sunday.