Student Support and Services


Account Settings
To find Account Settings click on your name in the upper right of the window. Then click [Account Settings] . You may edit these default settings: Pronouns When enabled, your pronouns appear in your profile card. Allow others to ...
Advising Services for Online Students
Online Advisors Your success at Lone Star College is important to us. LSC-Online advisors are available to assist students with advising services related to courses offered in an online format. Some of these services include general advising, regi...
Below are the latest news and announcements from LSC-Online, as seen in the D2L Announcements widget. This page will be regularly updated, with the newest information at the top. All LSC Campuses are Closed for Spring Break Posted in D2L ...
Change Your Preferred Name in iStar and D2L
When a preferred name is updated in iStar , a message is sent to D2L that overwrites the First Name and/or Last Name in the D2L user information. Your preferred name will display in Classlist , Discussions  and Groups .  The Student Emai...
Change Your Major
Fully-Online students: Email . Use Request a Program Change in the subject line. Include your student ID# and the name of the new program or plan, and a working phone number. An LSC-Online advisor will contact you...
D2L Virtual Assistant
The D2L Virtual Assistant can help facilitate communication, assisting with inquiries, and pointing you towards the right direction for further assistance. If you have simple questions or need direction on a specific issue, you can turn to the v...
Drop an Online Course (Before or After Start Date)
Before it starts: If there are no holds on account – the student can drop in MyLoneStar. If there are holds on account – go to Schedule Change Form For Dropping Online Courses . Read the instructions carefully. Download and complet...
Last Day to Get a Refund
The refund date is calculated from the session "Begin Date" listed on the class schedule and includes Saturday and Sunday. A Tuesday/Thursday class within a 16-week session would start counting on the session "Begin Date" (normally a Monday) to dete...
LSC Accessibility Services and Disability Services
Accessibility Services and Resources is responsible for collaborating with members of the College to create usable, equitable, and inclusive learning environments for LSC students. They are available to all students seeking accommodations and academ...
LSC-Online PASS Program
What is the PASS Program? The LSC-Online PASS (Providing Academic Support to Students) Program, specifically serves those students with academic holds (Academic Probation, Continued Academic Probation, or Academic Suspension). Students must pla...
Ordering Transcripts
Transcripts From LSC Order transcripts online .  See Transfer and Transcripts and Help with Transcripts . Transcripts to LSC From Other Schools See Transfer to LSC . ...
Placement Tests
Proper course placement during the first year is critical to fostering student success in college. Placement tests help to ensure that students enroll in courses that best match their academic skills and prior learning experiences. See Placement ...
Placement Tests for LSC-Online College Students
Remote Testing Process for Lone Star College Fully Online Students: Apply for Admissions . Complete the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) . You will receive a certificate of completion when you are done via email. Forward a copy of the c...
(PLA) Prior Learning Assessment
You can accelerate the completion of a degree or certificate by earning college credit through the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) program. To learn more about this program, see Prior Learning Assessment . ...
Semester Course Load
Students can enroll in up to 18 credit hours without approval for the 16-week terms, Fall and Spring semesters.   Recommended Load Take only up to as many credit hours as there are weeks in the session, For example: During an 8 week session - ...
Six Drop Rule and Withdrawing from Classes
Starting with Fall 2007 the six-drop rule applies to your entire college career. A student that has accumulated six (6) drops may not be permitted to accumulate another drop. The student will receive the grade earned in the course. See Six Course ...
What to Do If You're on Academic Probation
Academic Probation occurs when the semester GPA has fallen below 2.0 for two subsequent semesters. Students on academic probation are required to meet with a PASS advisor through a virtual appointment to discuss a plan for success and get register...