Advising Services for Online Students

Online Advisors

Your success at Lone Star College is important to us. LSC-Online advisors are available to assist students with advising services related to courses offered in an online format. Some of these services include general advising, registration, the add/drop/withdrawal process, and degree planning.

LSC-Online Advisors are able to assist students with selecting and enrolling in online classes. We will walk you through the Advising Process by reviewing your TSI Placement Test scores and/or college transcripts to determine what classes you are able to take. Once the prerequisites are reviewed, we can enroll you if you are unable to enroll on your own.

Online Readiness Tool

The SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator is an assessment tool that identifies a potential or current Lone Star College student’s level of readiness for studying in an online course environment. Use the tool to measure your technical skills and get feedback on your learning style. This may also be a useful assessment for those who are taking courses that are now unexpectedly online. Use the login information below to take the free assessment.

Username: lscstudent
Password: lonestar

D2L Student Training

Current students can only access their online courses after completing the D2L Student Training. This training has been developed to help students learn about D2L course functions such as uploading assignments, taking quizzes, sharing discussions, and more. 

NOTE: If you are taking courses through the LSC-Online campus, or if you are taking a fully online or hybrid course from any LSC campus, you will be required to complete this training in order to access D2L. 

To access the D2L Student Training:

  1. Login to myLoneStar and click on the [LSC Online] tile.

    Indicates LSC-Online tile

  2. Click on the [Brightspace D2L] tile. The D2L Homepage will open in a new tab.

    Shows Student Orientation for Online Courses tile

  3. You will be on your D2L Homepage. On your course list, click on the [D2L Student Training] tile.

  4. On the course homepage, click [Content] and follow the on-screen instructions to begin the D2L Student Training process.

  5. Work through the material in the D2L Student Training through the navigation: [Start Here: D2L Student Training] -> [D2L Lesson]. Click [D2L Student Training Quiz] to access the training quiz after you are finished with the lesson.

    NOTE: After you successfully score an 80% or higher on the quiz, you will be able to access your courses on or after the course start date. You will NOT be able to access your D2L course before the course's start date.

For more info, see About the D2L Student Training.

Online Tutoring Support

Students who are enrolled in only online courses at Lone Star College have access to online tutoring from the myLoneStar portal. 

  1. Login to myLoneStar and click on the [LSC-Online] tile.
  2. Click on the [Online Tutoring] tile.
    Indicates Online Tutoring link

Live Chat and Scheduling Assistance

All students who are enrolled in only online classes or are enrolled in an online EDUC 1300 course have access to live chat with an online advisor.

  1. Login to myLoneStar and click on the [LSC-Online] tile.
  2. Click on the [Live Chat Support] tile.
    Indicates Online Chat link

 If you are not a fully online student see LSC Advising and look for your campus' contact information.