Good Start Checklist

Use this checklist to prepare for your online courses for the semester.

Before classes begin:

Locate your official college email You will have a student email account while at Lone Star College. All official college correspondence will use
Install a browser supported by D2L. If you use an unsupported browser, you could have problems. Supported Browsers
Learn about advising services available to you. Visit Online Advising resources page
Advising Services for Online Students
Request accommodations if needed. Submit the application for Student Disability Services found on the Requesting Accommodations webpage.
Requesting Accommodations
Become familiar with VLAC (Virtual Learning Assistance Center). You are looking at VLAC right now. VLAC is the knowledge base for students using our online learning management system, D2L. VLAC
Complete the D2L Student Training. The D2L Student Training is the easiest way to learn to navigate a D2L course. D2L Student Training

First day of class:

Learn to use the D2L calendar.
Managing Calendar Tasks
Confirm your classes are listed in D2L and the link to each is active. If not, email your instructor. My Courses Widget
Complete all introductory assignments found in the online course.