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Convert an Apple Pages Document to a PDF
You should not turn in an Apple Pages document (.pages format) to an Assignment folder. Many professors do not have the proper software to read it, and the format is not recognized by It is a better idea to convert your Pages document ...
 Create a Video or Audio in an Assignment for Submission
Recording an Audio or Video Note is available in Assignment folders. If your instructor asks for a video or audio file, you can add them to assignment submissions, discussion posts, emails, etc. The method varies slightly depending on the course...
Delete an Assignment Submission
A student cannot delete a file once submitted. Contact your instructor if you need to resubmit a file and are unable. The instructor will need to delete the original file.
Review Your Assignment Submission History
Review the submissions you have made to an assignment using the View History feature. Navigate to the list of assignments by clicking  Course Activities  in the Navbar, followed by Assignments . Click the View History button.  U...
 Submit to an Assignment Folder
Show Video Walkthrough On the Content page, click on the assignment name. Or navigate to the Assignment list in the navbar by clicking Course Activities then Assignments . Open the Assignment you are submitting to by clicking on...
Submitting Group Work to an Assignment Folder
How to submit your file(s) to a Group Assignment. In the navbar click Course Activities , then Assignments . Click the Assignment name. Your instructor may choose one of two options for the submission: File Submission or Text Submission. ...
Unable to Open Assignment
If you can see the assignment , but it is not clickable, check the range of availability listed below the assignment against your course schedule or syllabus. If you believe this to be an error, contact your instructor. Contact the Instructor...
View Assignment Feedback
Assignment feedback can be viewed through Class Progress , Grades , and within the Assignments  list.  View Assignment Feedback from Class Progress  Select [ Course Activities] on the course Navbar and select [ Class Progres...
View Scores and Feedback in a TurnItIn Assignment
How to View TurnItIn Scores Navigate to Assignments  → Under the Completion Status column, click on the [Submission link] . Click on the [percentage bar]   under the Turnitin Similarity Report column. If this is your first ...