
If you do not find what you are seeking here, try the search above or contact the 24/7 Service Desk.


Quiz Question Pictures Are Not Displaying
If you encounter a quiz question with a missing image, take a screen shot if you can. Please note the question number and the question wording. Contact the Service Desk Contact the Service Desk to document the problem and get an Incident numb...
 Take a Quiz
The following video demonstrates how to take a quiz using D2L. Some question types allow students to "show their work" by adding a file or recording audio/video. Some math questions contain a link to Add attachments to support your work : ...
Unable to Take a Quiz, Test or Exam
Contact the Service Desk Contact the Service Desk to document the problem and get an Incident number to relay to your instructor. The technician will document the issue and provide you with an incident number. Please have the following info...
Unable to Review Submitted Quiz or Exam
Troubleshooting Try the following: See Viewing Quiz Grades & Feedback . If you still cannot find the grade or feedback: Contact the Instructor Email within the course. See Using Classlist . Use our Contact Directory to locate your in...
Unable to Save Answers or Submit in a Quiz/Exam
If during a quiz, test, or exam the Save or Submit buttons do not function, contact the service desk before closing the test if possible. Contact the Service Desk Contact the Service Desk immediately to document the problem and get an Incident...
View Grades and Feedback for a Quiz
The access you have to your quiz after you have taken it depends on the settings the instructor has chosen for submission views. To see your grade and feedback for a quiz. Go to the  navbar  and click on Course Activities  >  Quizzes . Clic...
Submitting or Leaving a Quiz Early
When attempting a Quiz  in D2L, you can leave your  Quiz Attempt either by Submitting the quiz, which will end the quiz and submit your attempt to your Instructor, or you can attempt to leave the quiz early. If you leave a quiz early, you will b...