Use D2L Email

D2L email is your online course email account. D2L email allows you to communicate with your instructor and fellow students within the D2L Learning Management System and to any Lone Star College employee's email account. Use your D2L email account for in-course correspondence.

To Read or Reply to Email

There are two ways to access D2L email.

  1. On the Minibar, click on the [Messages icon] (If you see a red dot on the Messages icon, it means you have unread messages.)

    Identifies the Message alerts icon.

  2. Choose [Email].

  3. Or via the navbar, click on [Collaboration] and select [Email] from the drop-down list.
    Identifies email tool.

Composing an Original Email

  1. On the Navbar, click [Collaboration] and select [Classlist] from the drop-down list.
    Identifies Classlist tool.

  2. Click on the name of the professor or student you want to email.

  3. The [Compose New Message] dialog box appears, with the email address in the [To: Line]

  4. You can change the Subject line. Highlight the course name on the line and start typing a new subject. It may be useful to keep the Course ID and section.

  5. Add your email message in the Body.

    Indicates Subject and Body areas

Selecting the Priority of your message

The Priority option, at the bottom right of the message window, allows you to designate your message as urgent. If your message is urgent, you can select High by using the arrow next to Priority button. The Priority choices are [Low], [Normal], and [High].
Identifies the Priority options.

Attaching Files to your email message

If you scroll to the bottom of the email message window, you can attach a document or multiple documents to your email message.

  1. To attach one or more files, click the [Upload] button at the bottom left of the window.
    Identifies Upload button.

  2. Navigate to where the file is located on your computer, select the file, and click the [Open] button.

  3. Your file(s) will appear under the [Upload] button.

    • If you attached the wrong file, just click the [X] next to the filename and you can remove this file.

      Identifies the delete icon in the attached files list.

To create a Video recording

  1. If you would like to create a new recording, click the [Record] button and select either [Record Video] or [Record Audio]. To record video, choose [Record Video].
    Shows the Record button and options.

  2. The Media Capture screen appears.

    • If you see this popup message, read the Video Error section below.

      Screenshot with error
  3. Click the [New Recording] button and record a message up to 30 minutes.
    Identifies the Record button.

  4. Click the [Stop Recording] button to stop recording.
     Identifies the Stop button.

  5. Click the [Play] button to review your recording.

  6. Click the [Add] button. A Media Capture dialog box appears for you to enter information about the video.
    Identifies the Add button

  7. Enter a Title and optional Description.

  8. Select the Audio Language that was spoken, such as English (US).
  9. Check the box to [Automatically generate captions from audio].

  10. Then click the [Add] button, or click the [Cancel] button to end the video capture.

Sending or Saving the Email

  1. When you have completed the email message, click the [Send] button.

  2. If for some reason you must wait to send, then click the [Save as Draft] button. A message appears that the draft was saved successfully.
    Identifies the Save as Draft button. Identifies Saved Succesfully message.

  3. A draft of your email message will be saved in the Drafts folder for you to continue the email message at a later time.
    Identifies the Draft folder.

Video Error

If you see this popup message:

Shows blocked access to camera error.

In Chrome: 

  1. At the top right, click More Options button () and choose Settings.

  2. Under Privacy and security, click [Site settings].

  3. Click Camera and/or Microphone and choose [Sites can ask to use your _____].

  4. Review your blocked and allowed sites.

Report Spam in D2L

  1. From your Email Inbox, click the [Checkbox] next to the message you would like to Report, then click [Report Spam].

    Identifies the Checkbox and report spam button.

  2. You will see a message saying The selected email(s) have been reported as spam to Brightspace, indicating that the spam report was successful.

    Identifies the message that the email has been reported.

NOTE: When reporting spam, the email remains in your Inbox, so consider deleting it. When you report a D2L email as spam, it generates a report sent to D2L. Actions taken by D2L are based on case-by-case evaluation, considering the volume of reports and the circumstance.